Monday 26 December 2011

My ChRisTmaS dAy ...

 Hohoho ... Merry Christmas ! kismas taon nie mmg memenatkn (longgar skru badan) xp mmg bezz giler miler killer (joking) sblom kismas da bersemangat smpai x tau nq pkai bju ape (lumrah hidop sy yg cerewet) hri tu tyme sblom kismas sy ikot jiran g ECONSAVE saving skit la kata kn hohok tyme nq cri kad kismas tgk-2 sebelah ade santa , ingat kn btoll-2 rpe "PATUNG" hmm pegang pon jd la (ok fine sy sakai) hahaha . . . ! Btw mmg kismas taon nie sy bz . waktu sy padat dgn jadual CAROLING . lastyly , partime at dapo cuci pnggan mangkuk . pinggan da 2 pecah , gelas da 3 .. smue tu sy yg buat (bkn sbb x reti basuh) penat ya amt smpai x dpt buat taik mata .
 Pokok kismas . blom mula kismas da runtuh (minx beli bru leteww) , sy dgn sbr nye menghias blex amik mse 2 jam haa !! payah ya amt .. x cntex je tuka senget je tuka (amboii pk jari aq nie ajaib la .. ajaib otak hang) hiasan pokok kismas sy pnoh dgn bola n santa claus ., lampu nye nq x nq je idop ' ksian da 3 taon x tuka-tuka , pakai je la , taon dpn nt bley bli bwu ,,, x pon pkai je lmpu suluh lg snang ,
Hadiah hehehe mmg bnyax sy dpt mcm-2 jenis ade rmai jgx nq bg sy adiah ye (tu pon aq minx haha ehh x la dye org ikhlas bg) mula-2 sy hrp sgt nq adiah camera NIKON . Awwwww . . . betapa senang nye aty sy nie if dpt , menagis smpai kluar hingus ijau x henti-2 huhuhu . Btw thanx la sbb bg sy adiah hehe , terbaekkk wook !

Monday 12 December 2011

 A gem glitters in the velvet sky it's my star , that heavenly eye it glimmers when the skies are clear to remind me that you 're no longer near MY STAR . Shines on the darkest night accompanies me when there are no light and when i long to feel you warm embrace i look to my star that hang in space ....
 Where are you now ?? what's on your mind ?? Do you think of the ones you left behind ??? Are you there in the sky looking down on us ALL ??? CAN YOU SEE us ???? Or are we far too SMALL ???
A lie on the ground under it's feeble light , wondering if you can see me tonight . If i could wish on a STAR  i would bring you back but i know that the sky would just fade to black . . . !!!

MY STAR !!! ^_^

Friday 9 December 2011

Broken heart


During sleepless night I pretend that the past isn't real
It brings back howi used to feel .. so much sadness in my hopeless
Now knew thing would change so fast your love not here and I'm alone .
Trying to runaway from this pain that has grown I feel so empty now that you're gone
There's so much crying I feel like dying this one is for you !
And these words aren't brand new . Thought it's coming from the heart
Thank you for the life you've give me and thank you for break my HEART !!


awww ..... sy rindu tyme nie . tbe2 tyme sy baring xd sy tringat kn kenangan yg x prnh sy delete dlm kepala otak sy nie ! huhux . nq ulang blex tyme ni x leyy la plax heyoo . tggu lau si biru a.k.a DORAEMON dtg dlu la nmpx nya lau nq ulang blex mse nie (angan-2 bodoh q) .... tyme jungle treking tu mmg superb giler laa mcm-2 yg kte org tempuhi (awie dlm sembilu perghh jiwang sioot aq) hahax . curam..curamm... haha sy n nadia tuka kan kpd KOLAM KOLAM , yg blakang pon ikot hahha . mmg bez x ingat dunia laa ... bhahax . THE BEZ laa ! hmm rindu pulak at kdai runcit tu hehe nq bli syampo at c2 laa haha nq je kasi licin itu kdai . mkin dikenang mkin siott sy niyhh . ouhh kenangan q ...... hishhh mrepex x abs ! ok la nt sy smbung story lg ...

my bored holiday

cuti sy taon nie mmg membosankan .. nq hang pon x bole da pokai . huh ! ape yg sy buat dkt rumah pon sy x tau bhahax .. of coz la kje sy makan,tdo,tgk tv,on9 fb, tlg ape yg patut pas tu ble da x dew bnde yg buat g tu sy pon mula la menggila kan dri sy apa kahhh ?? hmm mnggu dpn sy akn membusy kan dri sy dgn menghabiskn duit ayh sy (bkn nq bazirkan duit oke) sy nq bli peralatan skola n brg tuk celeb x-mas huh amt memenatkan xp berbaloi gx kn haha !